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Friday, November 9, 2012

Angels and Demons

What Is THIS?
In graphic design class, we were asked to create a surreal imagine by combining several unrelated images in one. I was browsing through some stock photos looking for some inspiration when I came across this abtastic model and I just thought, "I have to do something with this." I recalled seeing many manipulations where people turned other people into robots. I figured I'd give it a shot with my own twist. 

This is How We Do it
I worked everything around my background. I added my BG, placed the rendered model, then placed the robot and tied that briefly together. I fixed lighting and whatnot by using the dodge and burn tool, and also darkening areas with a soft, black brush. I burned the edges where the metal touched the skin and dodged the areas where the sun hit. I also used quite a lot of white, radial gradients to help strengthen and define the lighting. For the lighting through the wings, I desaturated and blurred a fractal then erased areas that I thought would not shine through as strong as others. I drew in some red for an added bloody effect, and switched out his eyes for some new and improved robot ones. After spending about 5 hours tying everything together, I used numerous layer effects such as levels, curves etc. and a lighting effect to easily darken surrounding areas to give you the image you see now. Things I personally feel could have been better is there area where his feet come in contact with the ground, and the rough edges of the wings. The wings are not a smooth/straight rendered line yet they still look off through my eyes. Oh well, I still like it in the end!  

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